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- === Creating a Character ===
- Angband is a roleplaying game, in which you, the player, control a character
- in the world of Angband. Perhaps the most important thing you control is the
- birth of your character, in which you choose or allow to be chosen various
- attributes that will affect the future life of your character.
- Character creation, or birth, is controlled through a variety of choices
- as to constraints on the type of character you wish to play, followed by
- a series of random calculations to generate ("roll up") a random character
- matching the appropriate constraints.
- Once your character has been generated, you will be given the choice to
- generate a new character obeying the same constraints, and once you have
- generated more than one character, you can switch back and forth between
- the two most recent characters, until you are presented with a personality
- that you feel comfortable with.
- You may start the entire process over at any time.
- Once you have accepted a character you will asked to provide a name for the
- character. In general, the actual choice of a name is not important, but do
- keep in mind that it may have some effect on the game itself. For example,
- on some machines, the chatacter name determines the filename that will be
- used to save the character to disk. On others, the character name specifies
- special "pref" files. And the character name is used on the high score list.
- === Character Characteristics ===
- Each character has three primary attributes, sex, race, and class, that
- are chosen before the character is generated, and which will stay fixed
- for the entire life of that character. These attributes have many effects,
- which will be mentioned as they come up.
- Each character has a few secondary attributes, height, weight, social class,
- and background history, which are randomly determined, but which are affected
- by the sex and race of the character. In general, these attributes are only
- used to provide "flavor" to the character, to assist in the role playing, but
- they do have a few minor effects on the game. For example, background history
- affects social class, which affects the starting money. (Not a lot, in the case
- of some races: for instance, Half-Trolls are always going to be the scum of
- society, even if their father was the Clan Chief.)
- Each character also has six primary "stats", strength, intelligence, wisdom,
- dexterity, constitution, and charisma, which modify the abilities of the
- character in a variety of ways. Every stat has a numerical value, ranging
- from a minimum of 3, up to a normal maximum of 18, and even higher, into
- the "percentile" range, represented as "18/01" through "18/100": this is the
- maximum that can be achieved intrinsically, for any given stat. If the
- character is started with the option of "maximize effect of race/class
- bonuses" (from the Birth Options menu, and this is set as "on" by default),
- the maximum figure of 18/100 is further adjusted by the adjustments for
- race and class - for instance, a Half-Troll Warrior will max out at 18/190
- strength, but only 18/40 intelligence, whereas a Hobbit Mage will be able
- to reach 18/150 intelligence but only 18/30 strength. Equipment may add
- bonuses or penalties to this, and raise the player's stats beyond the normal
- intrinsic limits: the stats may go as high as they like, with the right choice
- of equipment, but the effects of having higher stats largely stop at 18/200.
- Each character also has several primary "skills", disarming, magic devices,
- saving throws, stealth, searching ability, searching frequency, fighting skill,
- and shooting skill, which are derived from the character's race, class, level,
- stats, and current equipment. These skills have rather obvious effects, but
- will be described more completely below.
- Each character may have one or more "racially intrinsic skills", based on
- the race of the character. These may include special resistances, or even
- abilities such as infravision.
- Each character has experience, which increases as the character becomes more
- experienced, and a level, which is based on experience, and also on race and
- class. As the experience rises, so does the level, and as the level rises,
- certain other abilities and characteristics rise as well. Deep down inside,
- the real objective of the game is to increase your experience, and certain
- other characteristics, and also to collect useful items, to give you a decent
- chance against Morgoth. Certain monsters can "drain" your experience, and
- thus your level, which will cause you to lose all of the effects of the higher
- level. Luckily, you can restore drained experience through magical means, or
- by simply regaining the experience all over again.
- Each character has some gold, which can be used to buy items from the shops
- in the town, and which can be obtained not only from selling items to the
- shops, but also by taking it from dead monsters and by finding it hidden in
- the dungeon. Each character starts out with some gold, the amount of which
- is based on the characters social class (higher is better), charisma (higher
- is better), and other stats (less powerful characters start with more gold).
- Each character also starts out with a few useful items, which may be kept,
- or sold to a shopkeeper for more gold. However, especially valuable items
- will never sell for the full price, as each shopkeeper has a maximum that
- he is prepared to pay for any item. The more generous shopkeepers may buy
- your items for up to 30,000 gold pieces: but some are really stingy, and
- will pay no more than 5,000. The Black Market will generally give a worse
- price than anywhere else.
- Each character has an armor class, representing how well the character can
- avoid damage. The armor class is affected by dexterity and the equipment.
- Armor class on equipment is always denoted in [square brackets], usually as
- a figure of [X,+Y] where X is the intrinsic AC of the armor in question, and
- Y is the magical bonus to armor class provided by that item.
- Each character has hit points, representing how much damage the character can
- sustain before he dies. The maximum number of hit points is derived from your
- race, class, level, and constitution, and you can never have more hit points
- than the maximum. Hit points may be regained by resting, or by a variety of
- magical means, most usually a spell or potion of healing.
- Each character has spell points, or mana, which represents how many spells
- (or prayers) a character can cast (or pray). The maximum number of spell
- points is derived from your class, level, and intelligence (for spells) or
- wisdom (for prayers), and you can never have more spell points than the
- maximum. Spell points may be regained by resting, or by magical means.
- Warriors never have any spell points.
- === Races ===
- There are ten different races that you can choose from in Angband. Some
- races are restricted as to what profession they may be, and each race has
- its own adjustments to a character's stats and abilities. Most races also
- have intrinsic abilities.
- Human
- The human is the base character. All other races are com-
- pared to them. Humans can choose any class and are average
- at everything. Humans tend to go up levels faster than any
- other race because of their shorter life spans. No racial
- adjustments or intrinsics occur to characters choosing human.
- Half-Elf
- Half-elves tend to be smarter and faster than a human, but
- not as strong. Half-elves are slightly better at searching,
- disarming, saving throws, stealth, bows, and magic, but they
- are not as good at hand weapons. Half-elves may choose any
- class and have their dexterity sustained.
- Elf
- Elves are better magicians then humans, but not as good at
- fighting. They tend to be smarter and faster than either
- humans or half-elves and also have better wisdom. Elves
- are better at searching, disarming, perception, stealth, bows,
- and magic, but they are not as good at hand weapons. Elves
- have a good understanding of magic, and are good shots with
- missile weapons: so they make excellent rangers, rogues and
- mages. However, they are descended from those elves who
- refused to answer the call of the Valar, so they cannot call
- on enough divine aid to become priests or paladins. Nor do
- they have sufficient mental discipline to become psionicists.
- Hobbits
- Hobbits, or Halflings, are very good at bows, throwing, and
- have good saving throws. They also are very good at search-
- ing, disarming, perception, and stealth; so they make excel-
- lent rogues, but prefer to be called burglars. They will be
- much weaker than humans, and not much good at melee fighting.
- They are, however, excellent shots with missile weapons: and
- although they are not inherently magical enough to become
- mages, they have a great understanding of magical devices.
- Hobbits may be warriors, rogues or rangers, and they are
- intrinsically resistant to having their life drained
- by the forces of the wraith-world of the undead.
- Gnome
- Gnomes are smaller than dwarves but larger than hobbits.
- They live under the ground, although generally not as deep as
- dwarves. Gnomes make excellent mages, and have very good saving
- throws. They are good at searching, disarming, perception,
- and stealth. They have lower strength than humans so they
- are not very good at fighting with hand weapons. Gnomes have
- fair infra-vision, so they can detect warm-blooded creatures
- at a distance. A gnome may choose between being a warrior,
- mage, priest, or rogue. Gnomes are intrinsically protected
- against paralysis and most slowing effects.
- Dwarf
- Dwarves are the headstrong miners and fighters of legend.
- Since dungeons are the natural home of a dwarf, they are
- excellent choices for a warrior or priest - or indeed, that
- combination of the two, the paladin. Dwarves tend to be
- stronger and tougher but slower and less intelligent than
- humans. Because they are so headstrong and are somewhat wise,
- they resist spells which are cast on them. Dwarves also have
- very good infra-vision because they live underground. They
- do have one big drawback, though: Dwarves are loudmouthed and
- proud, singing in loud voices, arguing with themselves for no
- good reason, screaming out challenges at imagined foes. In
- other words, dwarves have a miserable stealth. They can never
- be blinded.
- Half-Orc
- Half-Orcs make excellent warriors and decent priests, but
- are terrible at magic. They are as bad as dwarves at stealth,
- and horrible at searching, disarming, and perception.
- Half-Orcs are, let's face it, ugly. They tend to pay more for
- goods in town. Half-Orcs do make good warriors and rogues,
- for the simple reason that Half-Orcs tend to have great
- constitutions and lots of hit points. Because of their
- preference to living underground to on the surface, half-orcs
- resist darkness attacks.
- Half-Troll
- Half-Trolls are incredibly strong, and have more hit points
- than any other character race. They are also very stupid and
- slow. They will make great warriors: and some few of them have
- sufficient shamanic powers to be considered priests. They
- are bad at searching, disarming, perception, and stealth.
- They are so ugly that a Half-Orc grimaces in their presence.
- They also happen to be fun to run... Half-trolls always have
- their strength sustained.
- Dunadan
- Dunedain are a race of hardy men from the West. This elder
- race surpasses human abilities in every field, especially
- constitution. However, being men of the world, very little is
- new to them, and levels are very hard to gain... They can
- play all classes except rogues, being of too noble a character
- to be dishonest: even those Dunedain who are inclined to evil
- will not resort to petty crime and picking pockets. Their
- constitution cannot be reduced.
- High-Elf
- High-Elves are descended from those among the Elves who heard
- and answered the call from the Valar at the very beginning of
- time, before the sun and moon were made, and lived in the
- Blessed Realm for many thousands of years before returning to
- mortal lands. Because of this, they are far superior in terms
- of abilities when compared to their lesser Elven kindred, and
- are able to be priests as well as all the other classes that
- normal Elves can be. They can also see into the invisible
- world of ghosts and wraiths. However, they find new experience
- even harder to come by than Dunedain: and their wisdom is
- still a little suspect. And like normal Elves, they resist
- attacks involving bright light.
- Kobold
- Kobolds are a race of small dog-headed humanoids that dwell
- underground. They can see in the dark better than almost
- any other race, and are intrinsically resistant to poisons
- of all kinds. They are also stronger than anything that
- size has any right to be (although this strength is only
- relative, no greater than that of humans), and have a good
- dexterity and constitution. However, they are not noted for
- great intelligence. Furthermore, the generally evil nature
- of most kobolds means that those few who are aligned to Good
- (and generally outcasts from their tribes because of this) are
- mistrusted in town. And while their constitution makes them
- tough, it still cannot prevent the fact that they are not the
- biggest of creatures, and have few hit points. They can be
- warriors, rangers, rogues or priests.
- === Classes ===
- Once a race has been chosen, you will need to pick a class. Some
- classes will not be available to certain races, for instance, a
- Half-Troll cannot become a Paladin.
- Warrior
- A Warrior is a hack-and-slash character, who solves most of
- his problems by cutting them to pieces, but will occasion-
- ally fall back on the help of a magical device. His prime
- stat is Strength, and a good Dexterity and Constitution can
- really help at times. A Warrior will be good at Fighting and
- Throwing/Bows, but bad at most other skills. Any race (even
- hobbits and gnomes, those least suited to it) may be a Warrior.
- Mage
- A Mage must live by his wits. He cannot hope to simply hack
- his way through the dungeon, and so must therefore use his
- magic to defeat, deceive, confuse, and escape. A mage is
- not really complete without an assortment of magical devices
- to use in addition to his spells. He can master the higher
- level magical devices far easier than anyone else, and has
- the best saving throw to resist effects of spells cast at
- him. Intelligence is his primary stat, and they also have
- a good dexterity. In the end, even a mage may have to fight,
- but he will never be as good as a warrior at fighting without
- using his spells to the full. All human or elven races may
- become mages, as may gnomes.
- Priest
- A Priest is a character of holy devotion. They explore the
- dungeon only to destroy the evil that lurks within: and if
- treasure just happens to fall into their packs, well, so
- much more to the glory of their church! Priests receive
- their spells from a deity, and therefore do not choose which
- spells they will learn. They are familiar with magical dev-
- ices, preferring to call them "instruments of God", but are
- not as good as a mage in their use. Priests have good sav-
- ing throws, and make decent fighters, but they are forbidden
- by they strictures of the Church from shedding blood: so
- they must use blunt weapons or anger their god, which will
- result in their prayers failing more often than normal. And
- they cannot in any case use an edged weapon well. Wisdom is
- their primary stat, and they are also charismatic enough to
- convince shopkeepers to drop their prices so as to keep in
- the Church's good books. Elves (other than High Elves) and
- Hobbits are generally not religious enough to be priests,
- but all other character races may play this class.
- Rogue
- A Rogue is a character that prefers to live by his cunning,
- but is capable of fighting his way out of a tight spot. He
- is the master of traps and locks, no device being impossible
- for him to overcome. He may even set his own traps and harm
- unwary monsters in them. A rogue has a high stealth allowing
- him to sneak around many creatures without having to fight,
- or sneak up and get the first blow. A rogue's perception is
- higher than any other class, and many times he will notice a
- trap or secret door before having to search. A rogue is
- better than warriors or paladins with magical devices, but
- still cannot rely on their performance. Rogues can also
- learn a few spells, but not the powerful offensive spells
- magi can use. A rogue's primary stat is Dexterity, and they
- are also fairly intelligent: but, however good they may have
- once been at talking their way out of situations, they are
- now known around the town as rogues, and so they seldom get
- fair prices from the shops. All races may be Rogues - apart
- from Half-Trolls and Dwarves who are not dextrous enough to
- pick pockets, and Dunedain who are too noble to resort to
- petty crime, even if they were to incline to evil.
- Ranger
- A Ranger is a warrior/mage. He is a good fighter, and the
- best of the classes with bows (but not crossbows.) The
- ranger learns spells much more slowly than a mage, but is
- capable of learning all but the most powerful spells.
- Because a ranger is really a dual class character, more
- experience is required for him to advance. A ranger has a
- good stealth, good perception, good searching, a good saving
- throw, and is good with magical devices. His primary stats
- are Intelligence and Dexterity. All human and elven races
- can be rangers, as can hobbits and kobolds.
- Paladin
- A Paladin is a warrior/priest. He is a very good fighter,
- second only to the warrior class, but not very good with
- missile weapons. He receives prayers at a slower pace than
- the priest, but can receive even the most powerful prayers.
- Because a paladin is really a dual class character, it
- requires more experience to advance him. However, he is
- poor at stealth, perception, searching, and magical devices.
- He has a decent saving throw due to his divine alliance.
- His primary stats are Strength, Wisdom and Charisma. Only
- those with human or dwarven racial heritage (the former
- including Dunedain and Half-Elves) may be Paladins.
- Psionicist
- A Psionicist is a character who has learned to use the power
- of his mind. They differ from other spellcasters in the fact
- that they have to actually "w"ield their Psionic Foci to cast
- a power from it. There are six Psionic disciplines: Telepathy,
- Psychoportation, Psychometabolism, Psychokinesis, Metapsionics
- and Clairsentience. Psionic foci come in three levels of power
- within each discipline: each higher level grants access to
- higher powers, for instance wielding a Telepathy 2 focus
- allows the casting of any spell from Telepathy 1 or 2, but
- not Telepathy 3. A character wielding a Metapsionics focus
- may also cast spells from other psionic foci in his backpack
- as long as both foci are of sufficient level to cast the spell
- (e.g. if wielding a Metapsionics 2 focus, you can cast spells
- from Telepathy 1 or 2 from a focus in the backpack, but not
- from Telepathy 3: nor from Telepathy 2, if you only have
- Telepathy 1 and not 2 in the backpack.) Psionic foci can be
- destroyed by lightning: but level 2 foci get saves, and level
- 3 foci are immune. They are the weakest warriors of all
- classes, but have in the end the most powerful spells.
- Humans, Dunedain and Half-Elves can be psionicsts.
- === Stats ===
- Strength
- Strength is important in fighting with weapons and in melee
- combat. A high strength can improve your chances of hitting
- as well as the amount of damage done with each hit. Char-
- acters with low strengths may receive penalties. Strength
- is also useful in tunnelling and in carrying heavy items.
- Intelligence
- Intelligence affects the spellcasting abilities of mages,
- rangers, rogues and psionicists. Intelligence will affect
- the number of spells you may learn each level as well as
- the number of spell points you receive. A high Intelligence
- may also reduce your chance of spell failure. You cannot
- learn spells if your intelligence is 7 or lower. A good
- intelligence can also help with using magic devices,
- picking locks, and disarming traps.
- Wisdom
- The primary function of wisdom is to determine the ability
- of a priest or paladin to use prayers, just like intelligence
- affects spellcasting. Again, high wisdom will increase the
- number of spell points you have and increase the number of
- prayers you can learn each level, while improving the chance
- that a prayer will be successful. A good wisdom can also
- help to improve your chances of resisting magical spells cast
- upon you by monsters.
- Dexterity
- Dexterity is a combination of agility and quickness. A high
- dexterity may allow a character to get multiple blows with
- lighter weapons, thus greatly increasing his kill power, and
- will increase his chances of hitting with any weapon and
- dodging blows from enemies. Dexterity is also useful in
- picking locks, disarming traps, and protecting yourself from
- some of the thieves that inhabit the dungeons. Indeed, if
- the character has a high enough dexterity, thieves will
- never be successful in stealing from the player.
- Constitution
- Constitution is a character's ability to resist damage to his
- body, and to recover from damage received. Therefore a
- character with a high constitution will receive more hit
- points and also recover them faster while resting.
- Charisma
- Charisma represents a character's personality and physical
- appearance. A character with a high charisma will receive
- better prices from store owners, whereas a character with a
- very low charisma may be robbed blind.
- === Abilities ===
- Characters possess some different abilities which can help them
- to survive. The starting abilities of a character are based upon
- race and class. Abilities may be adjusted by high or low stats,
- and may increase with the level of the character.
- Fighting
- Fighting is the ability to hit and do damage with weapons or
- fists. The character's base fighting ability improves with
- level: it is further affected by strength and dexterity (the
- former increasing the damage done, the latter increasing the
- to-hit chance, and both together increasing the chance of
- getting multiple attacks with lighter weapons) and by any
- magical bonuses to-hit or to-dam that are displayed. The
- value displayed on the character screen is the final calculation
- after all these factors have been taken into account.
- Shooting Ability
- Using ranged missile weapons (and throwing objects) is
- included in this skill. Different stats apply to different
- weapons, but this ability may modify the distance an object
- is thrown/fired, the amount of damage done, and the ability
- to hit a creature. This skill increases with the level of
- the character, and is improved by dexterity granting a better
- chance to hit.
- Saving Throws
- A Saving Throw is the ability of a character to resist the
- effects of a spell cast on him by another person/creature.
- This does not include spells cast on the player by his own
- stupidity, such as quaffing a nasty potion. This ability
- increases with the level of the character, but then most
- high level creatures are better at casting spells, so it
- tends to even out. A high wisdom also increases this
- ability.
- Stealth
- The ability to move silently about is very useful. Charac-
- ters with good stealth can usually surprise their opponents,
- gaining the first blow. Also, creatures may fail to notice
- a stealthy character entirely, allowing a player to avoid
- certain fights. This skill is based entirely upon race and
- class, and will never improve unless magically enhanced.
- Disarming
- Disarming is the ability to remove traps (safely), and
- includes picking locks on doors. A successful disarming
- will gain the character some experience. A trap must be
- found before it can be disarmed. Dexterity and Intelligence
- both modify the ability to disarm, and this ability
- increases with the level of the character.
- Magical Devices
- Using a magical device such as a wand or staff requires
- experience and knowledge. Spell users such as magi and
- priests are therefore much better at using a magical device
- than a warrior. This skill is modified by intelligence,
- and increases with the level of the character.
- Searching Frequency (Perception)
- Perception is the ability to notice something without
- actively seeking it out. This skill is based entirely upon
- race and class, and will never improve unless magically
- enhanced: any item that has a bonus to "searching" improves
- perception as well.
- Searching Ability (Searching)
- To search is to actively look for secret doors, floor traps,
- and traps on chests. Rogues are the best at searching, but
- magi, rangers, and priests are also good at it. This skill
- is based entirely upon race and class, and will never
- improve unless magically enhanced.
- === Combinations of Race and Class (not enforced) ===
- Warrior Mage Priest Rogue Ranger Paladin Psionicist
- Human Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
- Half-Elf Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
- Elf Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No
- Hobbit Yes No No Yes Yes No No
- Gnome Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
- Dwarf Yes No Yes No No Yes No
- Half-Orc Yes No Yes Yes No No No
- Half-Troll Yes No Yes No No No No
- Dunadan Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
- High-Elf Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
- Kobold Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No
- === Miscellaneous ===
- Infra-vision
- Infra-vision is the ability to see heat sources. Since most
- of the dungeon is cool or cold, infra-vision will not allow
- the player to see walls and objects. Infra-vision will allow
- a character to see any warm-blooded creatures up to a cer-
- tain distance. This ability works equally well with or with
- out a light source. However, many of Angband's creatures are
- cold-blooded, and will not be detected unless lit up by a
- light source. All non human races have innate infra-vision
- ability. Humans can gain infra-vision only if it is magically
- enhanced.
- === Stat Bonus Tables ===
- Stat, hit dice, and experience points per level modifications due to race
- are listed in the following table.
- STR INT WIS DEX CON CHR Hit Dice Rqd Exp/level
- Human 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 +0%
- Half-Elf -1 +1 0 +1 -1 +1 9 +10%
- Elf -1 +2 +1 +1 -2 +1 8 +20%
- Hobbit -2 +2 +1 +3 +2 +1 7 +10%
- Gnome -1 +2 0 +2 +1 -2 8 +25%
- Dwarf +2 -3 +2 -2 +2 -3 11 +20%
- Half-Orc +2 -1 0 0 +1 -4 10 +10%
- Half-Troll +4 -4 -2 -4 +3 -6 12 +20%
- Dunadan +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +2 10 +80%
- High-Elf +1 +3 -1 +3 +1 +5 10 +100%
- Kobold -1 -1 0 +2 +2 -3 8 +15%
- STR INT WIS DEX CON CHR Hit Dice bonus
- Warrior +5 -2 -2 +2 +2 -1 +9
- Mage -5 +3 0 +1 -2 +1 0
- Priest -1 -3 +3 -1 0 +2 +2
- Rogue +2 +1 -2 +3 +1 -1 +6
- Ranger +2 +2 0 +1 +1 +1 +4
- Paladin +3 -3 +1 0 +2 +2 +6
- Psionicist -5 +3 +1 +1 -2 +1 0
- === Ability Tables ===
- Disarm Search Stealth Percep Fight Bows Save Infra
- Human 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 None
- Half-Elf 6 7 7 6 4 6 6 20 feet
- Elf 8 9 7 7 3 9 7 30 feet
- Hobbit 10 10 10 10 1 10 10 40 feet
- Gnome 9 7 9 9 2 8 9 40 feet
- Dwarf 6 8 3 5 9 5 8 50 feet
- Half-Orc 3 5 3 2 8 3 3 30 feet
- Half-Troll 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 30 feet
- Dunadan 9 8 7 8 7 8 7 None
- High-Elf 9 8 8 9 7 10 10 40 feet
- Kobold 5 6 9 6 5 5 5 50 feet
- Save Stea- Magic Extra
- Fight Bows Throw lth Disarm Device Percep Search Exp/lev
- Warrior 10 6 3 2 4 3 2 2 +0%
- Mage 2 1 10 5 6 10 8 5 +30%
- Priest 4 3 6 5 3 8 4 4 +20%
- Rogue 8 9 7 10 10 6 10 10 +25%
- Ranger 6 10 8 7 6 7 6 6 +30%
- Paladin 9 5 4 2 2 4 2 2 +35%
- Psionicist 2 1 3 5 3 8 8 4 +30%